Other Publications
Suicide Prevention Strategy
In Lincolnshire between 80 to 90 people end their life by suicide every year. Nationally, one in five people will think about suicide in their lifetime. Every suicide is an individual tragedy and has a devastating impact upon family, friends, and the wider community. Whilst one person alone might not be able to prevent a particular suicide, if we work together as a community, suicide is preventable.
Across Lincolnshire, suicide prevention efforts are coordinated through the suicide prevention steering group (SPSG). The SPSG work to deliver the Lincolnshire suicide prevention strategy which has recently been refreshed for 2024-2028. The new strategy contains eight key commitments for action over the next five years and is underpinned by an annual action plan.
Lincolnshire Autism Strategy
This strategy has been created with input from autistic people of all ages, family and carers, together with professionals from across Lincolnshire’s Integrated Care System (ICS).
It is an updated version of the previous Lincolnshire All-Age Autism Strategy 2019-2022. It considers new national guidance and evidence, alongside changing national, regional and local contexts.
Drug and Alcohol Partnership
The three strategic priorities set out in the national drug strategy are:
• Breaking the supply chains
• Delivering a world class treatment and recovery system
• Achieving a shift in the demand for drugs
The Combatting Drugs Partnership (CDP) is the local delivery mechanism for the national priorities making them live and appropriate for Lincolnshire.