Lincolnshire Health Intelligence Hub

Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy

The strategy informs and influences decisions about health and care services in Lincolnshire.

Director of Public Health Annual Reports

These reports raise awareness of health issues in Lincolnshire

Health Profiles

Information relating to geographical areas within Lincolnshire

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

A range of evidence, data and information about health & wellbeing needs in Lincolnshire

Integrated Care Partnership Strategy

Click here to find out more about the Integrated Care System in Lincolnshire.

Our Population

Find out about Lincolnshire’s population

Our Place

Find out about the geographical make up of Lincolnshire

Find out about local health & wellbeing needs

Explore local strategies & reports


Explore a range of local health profiles

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023

This report describes how the World Health Organization Age-friendly Cities Framework can be applied to the older population of Lincolnshire.

Latest Public Health Insights

DHSC: Health Trends in England

Health trends in England presents information about the health of people in England and how it has changed over time. The Department of Health and Social Care have designed a new report to introduce ‘Fingertips’ public health data to a broader audience. Topics presented include risk factors, disease prevalence and outcomes. Data is presented for the whole of England and it’s regions. Topics include: Life expectancy at birth; Best start in life; Obesity; Alcohol; Cardiovascular disease; Cancer, Mental health and wellbeing and Musculoskeletal health.

Institute of Health Equity: England’s widening health gap: local places falling behind

This is where you can describe your post and/or the article. This description will show up on the home page and other blog blocks

ONS: Understanding health outcomes of unpaid carers and unpaid care expectancy in England

This bulletin provides data on unpaid care expectancy and health of unpaid carers in England. Factors linked with health, such as age, sex and socioeconomic status, differ for unpaid carers and non-carers. Adjusting estimates for these differences allows this analysis to identify associations between unpaid care and health outcomes such as self-reported health status and hospital admissions

The Good Things Foundation – Digital for all

The Good Things Foundation want everyone to benefit from all the online world has to offer so they have launched #DigitalForAll, a major campaign to draw attention to digital exclusion; promote the ways people can get involved and help fix digital exclusion; and spread the word that there’s free support to get online across the UK.

Lincolnshire Suicide Prevention Strategy

Our suicide strategy focuses on reducing suicides and offering timely support in Lincolnshire.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation: UK Poverty 2024

UK Poverty uses a range of data sources and insights to build up a comprehensive picture of the current state of poverty across the UK. As poverty can lead to negative impacts at all stages of life, this report tells us who is worst affected, how levels have changed over time and what the future prospects might be.

Institute of Health Equity: Health Inequalities, Lives Cut Short

This new report from the Institute of Health Equity (IHE) confirms that a million people in 90% of areas in England lived shorter lives than they should between 2011 and the start of the pandemic. Using several published ONS data sources, the IHE made these calculations from the number of excess deaths (the increase in the number of deaths beyond that would be expected) in the decade from 2011 in England.

Introduction to the Lincolnshire JSNA Webinar

This post contains the recording of the ‘Introduction to the Lincolnshire JSNA’ Webinar on 6th June. It covers new features and explains LHIH navigation. Also included are attendee questions and user feedback.

Lincolnshire JSNA People