Integrated Care Partnership Strategy

Home 5 Integrated Care Partnership Strategy- Introduction

Lincolnshire Integrated Care Partnership

Supporting the people of Lincolnshire to have the best start in life, and be supported to live, age, and die well.

The content of the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Partnership Strategy has been broken down into the sections below. Alternatively the full document can be accessed and downloaded using the button on the right. 


Our Integrated Care Partnership Strategy for Lincolnshire has been developed with partners from across our Integrated Care System. This is the second iteration of the strategy, the first of which was developed in 2022 and published in January 2023 following the establishment of the new integrated arrangements as set out in the Health and Care Act 2022. It was acknowledged that the first year would be a transition period and during that time the system partners would take time to reflect on its contents and would be refreshed in 2024. This period has provided time for system partners to refine our thinking on “how” we will work collectively to deliver improved health and care outcomes for our population.

The strategy brings together our system thinking to one place ensuring we have stronger connectivity between statutory bodies, the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) and independent sector. The are many organisations, large and small across our county that support the delivery of health, care and wellbeing services at a local level, and we need to maximise the capacity and capabilities available to the people of Lincolnshire.

Five strategic enablers have been identified, each describes why it is important to our system and what we will do going forward to support us in achieving our collective ambition and aims. As part of implementing this strategy, each of the strategic enablers will ensure engagement and co-production is embedded into the delivery arrangements as they develop.

The refreshed strategic enablers are;

  1. Prevention and Health Inequalities,
  2. Workforce and skills in the health and care sector,
  3. Personalisation,
  4. Digital & Technology,
  5. Data & Intelligence.

Click here to see our current Integrated Care System measures.  These are under review as part of the refresh of this strategy.