Integrated Care Partnership Strategy

Home 5 Integrated Care Partnership Strategy – Delivery Arrangements

Lincolnshire Integrated Care Partnership

Supporting the people of Lincolnshire to have the best start in life, and be supported to live, age, and die well.

The content of the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Partnership Strategy has been broken down into the sections below. Alternatively the full document can be accessed and downloaded using the button on the right. 

Delivering the strategy

This strategy is the second iteration of the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Partnership Strategy. It is closely aligned to the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS). While the JHWS sets out the priorities for the system, this strategy sets out the how we are going to work together and what we will do to enable our population to have the best start in life and be supported to live, age and die well.

We have carefully selected five strategic enablers to ensure as a system all organisations can play their part in delivering our joint collective ambition, regardless of their size or the health or care services they provide. Our system has taken a life course approach to capture each stage of life and described why it is important in our system, and what we will do to ensure we deliver on the four aims of our ICS.

Each enabler will have a System Responsible Officer (SRO) and a delivery lead for the system. Their role will be to support and challenge the system to embed this thinking into all we do and take action in line with the “what will we do” as set out in each section above. The SRO and the delivery lead for each strategic enabler will be tasked with ensuring:

  • Delivery arrangements are in place. 
  • Appropriate engagement and co-production with the communities we serve is undertaken.
  • Barriers and challenges are addressed.
  • Success measures developed to track progress. 
  • Evidence is provided to demonstrate that our ambitions are being delivered.