Lincolnshire Suicide Prevention Strategy

Lincolnshire Suicide Prevention Strategy

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Lincolnshire Suicide Prevention Strategy

Each suicide is a devastating loss, impacting families and communities profoundly. While rooted in complex circumstances, suicide isn’t exclusively tied to mental illness. Recognizing the complex reality of suicide, every local authority in England must have a suicide prevention strategy. Our strategy for Lincolnshire is advanced by a yearly action plan aimed at reducing suicides and providing timely support to those affected. It’s a commitment to proactive measures and compassionate care for our community’s well-being.

Key Statistics

  • 37% of people who died by suicide made at least one previous attempt

  • 64% were known to have experienced some form of mental ill health
  • 56% were in contact with Mental Health Services at the time of their death
  • Men are approximately three times more likely to by by suicide than women
  • Recent trends reveal the greatest increases in mortality in Lincolnshire are among younger men aged 20–24 and women aged 40-44

Our Commitment

  1. We will embed the voice of people with lived experience within all areas of suicide prevention, intervention and postvention
  2. We will encourage open conversations and reduce the stigma of suicide
  3. We will review the recognised characteristics and risk factors that increase the risk of suicide, and will map the current work ongoing in these areas
  4. We will use an evidence-based approach 
  5. We will improve support for children and young people who are impacted or bereaved by suicide
  6. We will work to reduce inequalities across suicide prevention
  7. We will improve support for people who have attempted suicide and their family and friends
  8. We will ensure that all key organisations provide suicide prevention and postvention support for staff and colleagues
Lincolnshire JSNA People

Recent news

DHSC: Health Trends in England

Health trends in England presents information about the health of people in England and how it has changed over time. The Department of Health and Social Care have designed a new report to introduce ‘Fingertips’ public health data to a broader audience. Topics presented include risk factors, disease prevalence and outcomes. Data is presented for the whole of England and it’s regions. Topics include: Life expectancy at birth; Best start in life; Obesity; Alcohol; Cardiovascular disease; Cancer, Mental health and wellbeing and Musculoskeletal health.

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