Lincolnshire Digital Health Toolkit

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Lincolnshire County Council Public Health Intelligence team have created a tool to explore digital exclusion in Lincolnshire. This tool has been developed by adapting the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s (GMCA) digital exclusion risk index (DERI) tool.

The tool has been compiled from three sources: NOMIS, Experian Mosaic and ONS. From a variety of indicators, 8 themed areas were ranked and scored from most digitally excluded to least digitally excluded (1 being most digitally excluded, 420 being the least digitally excluded). These scores were weighted, then an overall score and ranking was applied to determine which areas of Lincolnshire are digitally excluded. The toolkit was created in collaboration with the University of Lincoln.

The tool is mapped to the Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) in Lincolnshire and can be viewed at county, district, ward or Primary Care Network (PCN) level.

This tool should not be used in isolation and should be considered alongside local data sources to develop a more complete view.

Tool Guide

Overall Ranking – This view shows the map of Lincolnshire at Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) level and the digital exclusion rankings. Each LSOA can be selected, and the 8 areas can also be seen in table form to show how each LSOA ranks in each area and overall.

IMD Comparison – This view shows the map of Lincolnshire at LSOA level along with the digital exclusion rankings vs the map of deprivation in Lincolnshire at LSOA level.

Indicator Rankings – This view shows the map of Lincolnshire at LSOA level and the digital exclusion rankings as a default. The list on the right hand side shows the 8 areas that have been scored and ranked, along with other indicators. These non-scoring indicators can be selected for added context and the map will then show how the LSOAs in Lincolnshire are ranked to that particular indicator.

Indicator Values – This view shows further non scoring indicators on the map of Lincolnshire at LSOA and the digital exclusion rankings for additional added context where values have not been ranked.

PCN – Primary Care Network (PCN) The PCN boundaries are for mapping/visual purposes only, they do not represent the known contractual boundaries of PCN practices. PCN boundaries were generated from practice patient registers, and geographical areas were then assigned to each PCN based on the greatest percentage of patients resident in that area. It should be noted that some patients registered to a specific PCN are likely to reside outside of the defined boundaries in this map.

User Guide

Overall Ranking tab

This view enables you to look at how digital exclusion affects Lincolnshire by LSOA level.

  • Click on the map or on an LSOA from the table to see the rankings for that LSOA
  • To view LSOAs within a specific district, select from the District drop-down
  • To view LSOAs within a specific PCN, select from the PCN drop-down
  • To view LSOAs within a specific Ward, select from the Ward drop-down
  • Click on any column header within the table to sort the rankings

IMD Comparison tab

This view enables you to compare digital exclusion by LSOA compared to IMD

  • Select any deprivation decile from the decile drop-down to show LSOAs within that decile

Indicator Rankings tab

This view enables you to look at each of the ranked indicators by LSOA and see how they differ across Lincolnshire.

  • Select any of the indicators to update the ranking on the map
  • Hover over any of the LSOAs to show the ranking value for that area
  • To view LSOAs within a specific district, select from the District drop-down
  • To view LSOAs within a specific PCN, select from the PCN drop-down
  • To view LSOAs within a specific Ward, select from the Ward drop-down

Indicator Values tab

This view enables you to look at each of the indicator values by LSOA, and see how they differ across Lincolnshire.

  • Select any of the attributes to update the ranking on the map
  • Hover over any of the LSOAs to show the ranking value for that area
  • To view LSOAs within a specific district, select from the District drop-down
  • To view LSOAs within a specific PCN, select from the PCN drop-down
  • To view LSOAs within a specific Ward, select from the Ward drop-down

Lower social grade – This indicator looks at the percentage of the population in the LSOA who are considered either D or E on the NRS social grade. D represents working class and E non-working.

Digital engagement – This indicator has been compiled from several Experian Mosaic indicators, averaged and weighted in a bid to highlight which population of people are more likely to have poor IT skills and less access to digital technology. The indicators used were: email, smartphone, instant messaging, social networking and ‘not internet savvy’.

Pension Credit – This indicator represents Guaranteed Pension Credit (rate per 1,000 people aged 65+). Pension Credit gives you extra money to help with your living costs if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income. Pension Credit can also help with housing costs such as ground rent or service charges.

Internet – This indicator has been compiled by weighting two indicators around Internet performance from Connected Nations (Summer 2022 update) via the DERI tool. The indicators used were: average download speed (Mb/sec) and percentage of connections receiving less than 10Mbit/s broadband.

Limited daily activity – This indicator represents the percentage of the population whose day to day activity is limited a lot.

Education – This indicator represents the percentage of the population who have no qualifications.

Transport – This indicator has been compiled by averaging and weighting several travel time indicators taken from journey statistic times provided by The indicators used were: GP within 15 minutes (public transport), GP within 15 minutes (car), GP within 30 minutes (public transport).

Unemployment – This indicator represents the percentage of the population who are unemployed.


The following article describes and discusses the methodology and results of the creation of The Lincolnshire Digital Health toolkit:

Digital Exclusion as a barrier to accessing healthcare: A summary composite indicator and online tool to explore and quantify local differences in levels of exclusion


DERI tool

The Digital Exclusion Risk Index (DERI) tool brings together a broad set of indicators to create an overall DERI score for each area. The DERI score is based on three component scores: demography, deprivation and broadband. For more information about DERI: Workbook: Digital Exclusion Risk Index v1.6 (Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v3.0.)

Experian Mosaic

Experian Mosaic divides the UK population into 15 Groups and 66 more detailed types. It uses over 2,000 data variables and paints a unique picture of UK consumers based on their demographic characteristics, lifestyles and behaviour. – Segmentation Portal


Office of National Statistics – Journey time statistics: data tables (JTS) – GOV.UK (

Lincolnshire JSNA People